2025 Neonatal Research Initiative - Request for Proposals

Little Giraffe Foundation is now accepting grant applications for 2025!

The Little Giraffe Foundation is offering research grants in the amount of $5,000 - $10,000 for neonatal research.

We invite qualified scientists, doctors, and nurses at universities, hospitals and research institutions, to submit applications for research grants directed at addressing both the long term and immediate health needs caused by premature birth.

All applicants must be based in the United States and represent a U.S. based institution. Little Giraffe Foundation does not award grants to individuals or families. In addition, a grant award cannot be transferred from the original institution to which the award was issued.

Research subjects appropriate for support by the Little Giraffe Foundation include basic biological processes governing development, genetics, clinical studies, studies of reproductive health, environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies. Please note that studies related to development of educational interventions or to address quality improvement initiatives will not be considered for funding.

How to Apply

Potential applicants should submit a Letter of Intent, including the Application Form, addressed to the Little Giraffe Funding Committee summarizing the proposed studies. Letter of intent should be emailed to funding@littlegiraffefoundation.org with the subject of “LGF Research Funding Request”.

Applications must be sent from an email address associated with the organization requesting the funding.

Letters of Intent should be no more than 4 pages* and must follow the sections outlined below. Please note that information for sections 1-4 must be included on the Application Form.

  1. Name of the study, amount of requested funds, timeline of the study, PI(s) who will be running the study including their positions/titles/institutions, and a 100-200 word overview describing the objective.**

  2. List of specific aim or aims to be evaluated during the study.**

  3. The relevance to our mission of addressing both the long term and immediate health needs caused by premature birth as well as identifying causes of premature birth and ways to prevent this.**

  4. Amount of funding requested, including a basic budget allocation. Funds must directly support the project described. Indirect costs including PI salary, rent, utility costs, etc. are not funded. Percent effort of the PI(s) should also be included.**

  5. The hypothesis or hypotheses to be tested.

  6. Preliminary data.

  7. A statement of the methods.

  8. A plan for evaluating the results.

  9. Current financial support: list the current financial support. If there are no other grants, state “NONE.”

  10. References.***

  11. Proof of Approval from the requesting institution's IRB is required before awards are distributed.***

* There are no formatting requirements relating to line spacing, font size, or margins for the LOI.

** Information for these sections must be included on the fillable Application Form. This information does not count towards the 4 page LOI limit.

*** Information can be appended and will not count toward the 4 page limit.

Letters of intent must be submitted by June 20, 2025. Applications will then be evaluated by the Funding Committee and awards will be announced by the month of October.

Additional Requirements:

Grant recipients are required to fulfill all Neonatal Research Progress Reporting Requirements.

Approval from the requesting institution's IRB is required before awards are distributed.