Neonatal Research Progress Reporting Requirements
Neonatal Research Progress Reporting Requirements
Each progress report should include the following information.
I. Cover Sheet
The Cover Sheet for your Progress should contain the following information:
Your name
Your institution
The title of your project
Year grant awarded
Total amount funded
The progress report period dates
Due date of the report
II. Scientific Abstract
Include the abstract and list of specific aims from your original proposal.
III. Research Progress
In no more than three (3) pages, describe the progress made toward each specific aim listed in your original application. Describe any changes in the focus or direction of your research, as well as surprises, discoveries, or innovations since your last report. Explain how close you are to achieving the goals of your proposal. Any apparent drops in productivity should be explained.
IV. Research Impact
Comment on how the award has impacted your research. Comment on the most important accomplishment that has occurred in the reporting period.
V. Other Funding Sources
Include a list of all sources of current and future committed grant support (from for-profit as well as not-for-profit sources). Indicate source of funds, principal investigator (if not yourself), title of project, direct costs, grant period, and your percent effort.
VI. LGF-Supported Publications
Provide all LGF-supported publications, submitted papers or papers in-press, or other publications specifically associated with research supported by your award during this reporting period. LGF support must be acknowledged on all LGF-funded publications. Submit each publication as an individual PDF file.
Submission of the Progress Report
Submit the completed Progress Reports by the deadlines indicated in your award letter. Minimally, reports are expected at 6- and 12 months from the date of the award letter.