NICU Support Grant Application
Little Giraffe Foundation is now accepting grant applications for 2025!
The Little Giraffe Foundation is offering grants in the amount of $100 - $1,000 to help NICUs make the experience of having a child in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) easier.
We invite all qualified doctors, nurses, NICU staff, and any institutions directly supporting NICUs to submit applications for grants directed at easing the experience of spending time in the NICU.
All applicants must be based in the United States and represent a U.S. based institution. Little Giraffe Foundation does not award grants to individuals or families.
Past NICU Support grants have gone to support holiday gift bags for families, books to allow parents to read to their babies, gas cards and food pantry support for NICU families, and supplies such as digital cameras to help parents bond with their children when parents cannot be with their child.
How to Apply
Potential applicants should submit a Letter of Intent addressed to the Little Giraffe Funding Committee summarizing the proposed program. Letter of intent should be emailed to funding@littlegiraffefoundation.org with the subject of “LGF NICU Support Funding Request”.
Applications must be sent from an email address associated with the organization requesting the funding.
Letters of Intent should be no more than 4 pages and must include the following information. Applications that omit any of the required information below will not be considered for funding.
Name of the program, amount of requested funds, and a 100-200 word overview describing the objective.
The relevance to our mission of addressing the need to help parents with a child or children in the NICU.
A detailed plan of the proposed program including basic budget allocation, timeline, and the hospital(s) and/or institution(s) that will benefit.
A plan for evaluating the results and providing feedback of success.
Past similar projects. If you have done something similar to this in the past please indicate so.
Applicants representing charity organizations must provide a copy of their 501c3 Letter of Determination.
Letters of intent must be submitted by June 20, 2025. Applications will then be evaluated by the Funding Committee and awards will be announced during the month of October.