Little Giraffe Foundation Supported Research Publications

Below is the list of neonatal research articles that have been supported in full or in part by a Neonatal Research Grant from Little Giraffe Foundation.

  • Ojeda A, Akinsuyi O, McKinley KL, Xhumari J, Triplett EW, Neu J, Roesch LFW. 2024. Increased antibiotic resistance in preterm neonates under early antibiotic use. mSphere 9:e00286-24. [PDF]

  • Salimi, U., Menden, H.L., Mabry, S.M. et al. Angiopoietin-1 protects against endotoxin-induced neonatal lung injury and alveolar simplification in mice. Pediatr Res 91, 1405–1415 (2022). [PDF]

  • Mathias M, Taylor J, Mendralla E, Perez M. Neonatal Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Knockout Mice Increase Total Superoxide Dismutase Activity and VEGF Expression after Chronic Hyperoxia. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Aug 1;10(8):1236. doi: 10.3390/antiox10081236. PMID: 34439484; PMCID: PMC8388997. [PDF]

  • George L, Menden H, Xia S, Yu W, Holmes A, Johnston J, Reid KJ, Josephson CD, Patel RM, Ahmed A, Mulrooney N, Miller NA, Farrow E, Sampath V. ITGB2 (Integrin β2) Immunomodulatory Gene Variants in Premature Infants With Necrotizing Enterocolitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2021 Feb 1;72(2):e37-e41. doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002941. PMID: 32925548. [PDF]

  • Sun M, Wadehra M, Casero D, Lin MC, Aguirre B, Parikh S, Matynia A, Gordon L, Chu A. Epithelial Membrane Protein 2 (EMP2) Promotes VEGF-Induced Pathological Neovascularization in Murine Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2020 Feb 7;61(2):3. doi: 10.1167/iovs.61.2.3. PMID: 32031575; PMCID: PMC7325623. [PDF]

  • D'Agata AL, Wu J, Welandawe MKV, Dutra SVO, Kane B, Groer MW. Effects of early life NICU stress on the developing gut microbiome. Dev Psychobiol. 2019 Jul;61(5):650-660. doi: 10.1002/dev.21826. Epub 2019 Jan 30. PMID: 30697700; PMCID: PMC6588487. [PDF]

  • Hsiu-Ling Li, Nahla Zaghloul, Ijaz Ahmed, Anton Omelchenko, Bonnie L. Firestein, Hai Huang, Latoya Collins. Caffeine inhibits hypoxia-induced nuclear accumulation in HIF-1α and promotes neonatal neuronal survival. Experimental Neurology, 2019; 317: 66–77. [PDF]

  • D'Agata AL, Walsh S, Vittner D, Cong X, McGrath JM, Young EE. FKBP5 genotype and early life stress exposure predict neurobehavioral outcomes for preterm infants. Dev Psychobiol. 2017; 9999:1–9. [PDF]

  • Nitkin, C. R. and Bonfield, T. L. Concise Review: Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Pediatric Disease: Perspectives on Success and Potential Improvements. STEM CELLS Translational Medicine, 2017; 6: 539–565. [PDF]

  • Ivan Hand, Nahla Zaghloul, Lily Barash, Rudolph Parris, Ulrika Aden, and Hsiu-Ling Li, Timing of Caffeine Therapy and Neonatal Outcomes in Preterm Infants: A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 2016, Article ID 9478204, 6 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/9478204 [PDF]

  • Web, A., Heller, HT., Benson, CB., & Lahav, A. Mother’s voice and heartbeat sounds elicit auditory plasticity in the human brain before full gestation. PNAS. 2015; 112(10):3152-7 [PDF]

  • Lahav, A. & Skoe, E. An acoustic gap between the NICU and the womb: A potential risk for compromised neuroplasticity of the auditory system. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2014; 8(381):1-8 [PDF]

  • Lahav, A. Questionable sound exposure outside the womb: frequency analysis of environmental noise in the NICU. Acta Paediatrica. 2014. [PDF]

  • Rand, K. & Lahav, A. Impact of the NICU Environment on language deprivation in preterm infants. Acta Paediatrica. 2014. 103(3):243-8 [PDF]

  • Alkozei, A, McMahon, E., & Lahav, A. Stress levels and depressive symptoms in NICU mothers in the postpartum period. Journal of Maternal Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2014. 30:1-6 [PDF]

  • Rand, K., & Lahav, A. Maternal sounds elicit sustained heart rate response in preterm newborns in the first month of life. Early Human Development. 2014. 90(10):679-83 [PDF]

  • Katheria, et al., A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Early versus Routine Caffeine in Extremely Premature Infants. American Journal of Perinatology. 2014. [PDF]

  • Zimmerman, E., Keunen, K., Norton, M., & Lahav, A. Weight Gain Velocity and Exposure to Biological Maternal Sounds in Very Low Birth Weight Infants. Am J Perinatol. 2013. [PDF]